I’m a Fruit Girl, Not Like that Time I Memorized the Chiquita Banana Song for School

It’s official, y’all.  I’ve always told everyone that I don’t know how to work ‘fruit phones’ and other ‘fruit’ products–which was my code for Apple products.  I just never had one and never knew how to work one, which was why I was always an android girl.

UNTIL… two days ago.

We had some business for plan changing stuff at the Verizon store, which is my personal hell, btw.  It always takes so long.  In fact, in years past one of the sales associates had asked where I worked and I said I was a 911 dispatcher.  He responded with all of the regular “oh my gosh… is it so stressful? I could never handle that; it just sounds so stressful.”  My response was along the lines of, “I’d take dispatching day and night for nonstop hot calls rather than spending three hours in the Verizon store.”  It’s a great strategy.  After you have stood at the counter for two hours waiting, talking, signing and making small talk, of course you’ll pay the very reasonable $93 dollars for the phone case that does the magic thing and can only be purchased for the super special price today.

Anyways… we were there for some phone plan stuff.  I hung out on the benches and played games with Carter.

Six hours later when we were finally walking out Tom turned to me and handed me a mysterious large white box, along with telling me ‘Happy Birthday’.  This was confusing because my birthday isn’t until September.

Upon further inspection it’s a super duper fancy pretty Ipad.  I was completely shocked because I had never said I wanted an Ipad.  Guess why he got it for me?  Because he was thinking about how much better and easier it will be for my live videos that I do for Chronic Illness on the Mighty.  Also, it’s much lighter than my laptop so I will be able to move it around and use it for blogging.  It has a large screen to make it easier when I’m having blurred vision and dizziness, but I can still hold it up above me and use it when I’m spending a day flat in bed.

Image result for meme girl in love with husband

I really do keep falling for him and loving him more and more everyday, but not because he buys me extravagant gifts, because he is absolutely always trying to think of ways to make my life easier and reduce my pain and frustration with this condition.

So, this post is mostly just about how happy and thankful I am for that husband of mine.

So blessed to have you, babe.

And ya, I did have to memorize the Chiquita banana song for a school project once.


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