Ologist Updates

On Friday I had an appointment with one of my ologists.  I have several ologists now. Everything but zoologist.

We went over a bunch of things on his end and I had a list of questions too.  He did a postural test. That’s when they have you lay down and relax and then take your blood pressure and heart rate. Then you sit up and they take that again. Then you stand up and again. Then stay standing 3 to 5 minutes then take it again. This is super common and I have it done at most every doctor I go visit. As they were hooking me up he said,  “I’m sure you’ve never had one of these before.” Then he laughed and said, “probably just every doctor you go to every time.” Jokes. I appreciate jokes at the doctor.  I would also appreciate mimosas at the doctor, but they haven’t figured that out yet.

He doubled my beta blocker dose to see if that helps lower my heart rate and I have room on blood pressure so it shouldn’t drop it too much.  He also adjusted my dose of ativan for when I have tremors. He said the current dose is perfect for doing a colonoscopy, but for tremors it’s a bit much. Good to know. No wonder it knocked me out for so long and I often didn’t remember the 3 am grilled cheeses I requested.

He watched the video of my tremors and then after the postural test he got the live show.

He said I need to be using the electric carts at stores now on my bad days. As much as I hate that idea, I also hate passing out.  Mostly, I really don’t wanna lay on the floor of a store. He gave me a prescription for a wheelchair.  That’s the hardest for me to handle probably. Just the idea that last year at this time I was doing aerial silks and this year I’m 29 being prescribed a wheelchair.  What’s that, you want proof? Ok. FB_IMG_1458361477656

Ok, pity party over. Think of all the things I’ll be able to do and enjoy for longer. I can do the Liberty Lake Garage Sales. I can do Carry The Load. I could go to an amusement park.  I can go down to the river now. So, there are plenty of pros.

He said I could fly in an airplane as long as I have oxygen with me or access to oxygen.

He says it’s time to go to a guru on POTS and dysautonomia. He said he is aware of a research lab at UW. This led to this fun conversation:

Amy: where is it in Washington?

Tom: the damn huskies in Seattle.

Doc: I don’t know that the doctors there have a strong affiliation with the team.

Tom: watch, some husky is gonna make her better and I’m going to have to thank all husky.

Amy: is there a duck that could fix me? That would make it a lot easier to live with him.

Doc: I’ll look into it.

I’m sure it’ll be a while before we hear more on that whole thing.

I think those are most of the updates from him and I don’t see him again until June.

It looks like there is some sunshine out there today. I’m hoping to enjoy it. No physical therapy until tomorrow.

I hope each of you gets to enjoy some sunshine today too!


7 thoughts on “Ologist Updates

  1. This is such a great opportunity to show the world how to rock the wheelchair. Thank God for the pioneer Karen Mainini who showed us the chair is a force for good not evil. And taught us if the wheelchair can’t use the potty is only fair that no one can.


  2. Every post you write gives me both happy and sad tears. I hate that you have to have a wheelchair. But I do know, of all people, you will find a way to have fun with it… and I love that you can already see the good in it! Praying for you daily. And adding to the prayer requests that the POTS guru (Husky or otherwise) that may be in your future has some amazing tricks up his/her sleeve!!


    1. Excellent! I sure hope so. And the other guru that has been mentioned by an ‘ologist’ was in Ohio so I’d love to be able to go to Seattle instead. It will be much more affordable. Thanks for all the prayers! I sure appreciate them.


  3. My recent wheelchair time taught me people are very kind and helpful and then you can save standing up for other fun things!


  4. Oh Amy….this blog entry goes perfectly with the title of your blog….smiles in the trials. I don’t even have words. I hate to see this happen to such a good person but I love hearing how you are handling it as best as possible. Keep it up, girl. I won’t even begin to fathom how you are feeling. All I know is you are stronger than I could ever be.


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